"Dear Android" by Roymil Terrero ('19)

Dear Android,

You have been my friend since you were born. I remember the day when AT&T was talking to your father Linux about your creation and I was so excited that I jumped for happiness because I knew that it was the beginning of a new era of innovation, not just for many people but for the world. You were created and I couldn’t be happier because you became my hero since you start to fight against iOS and their closed system. You made the market even and possible for people like me to create Apps and explore your Open Source for a better understanding of what “freedom” means.                    

I’m so grateful to you but I have to be honest. It is clear that you gave me such many years of innovation and happiness and I'm really lucky to have you. But I have to tell you that I never had been so disappointed with you as I was yesterday. Remember when I was going to Queens to visit my cousin and it was my first time going alone? I just got confused with the address and how to go there and by accident I took the wrong train. The train led me so far away from my destination. That day I was needing you as never before and you just decided to die. I was heartbroken and so mad at you because you let me alone and lost in the middle of nowhere when I needed you the most for getting home safe.                

I hope you understand my disappointment and you will be able to solve the problem.


Roymil Terrero 

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