The Power of Music by Ana Phanjavidze ('23)
Have you ever thought you are the biggest introvert in the world just because you enjoy being alone in your room, listening to your favorite music, dancing, vibing, chilling and forgetting about the outside world? I don’t know about you, but I sure have. I have realized that even though I am an outgoing person and enjoy socializing, music made me love loneliness just as much as I love company. Music is a loyal friend that can fill the voids of your day and life. It does not matter what type of music you listen to. Personally, I listen to all kinds of music that exist, and I choose them depending on my mood. Classical music helps me concentrate, rock makes me excited and energized, jazz helps me relax and stay positive, and so on. What I am trying to say is that the songs and melodies we choose to listen to reflect our emotional state and they go in harmony with the feelings we want to experience.
Music helps us to get to know ourselves, the side of ourselves that we have never met.
Have you ever lain in your bed and listened to music that helps you imagine random scenarios in life? They will possibly never happen and never did but your mind is creating all these moments which end at the last second of the song. They are imaginary and yet so realistic; you even feel disappointed when they fade at the end of the song. Sometimes you replay the song and feel guilty while doing so, but you have a strong desire to relive those moments. I don’t know if everybody experiences this, and hopefully they do, because otherwise I will sound like a total weirdo, but everyone may agree that music does magical things that nothing else can.
I have noticed that music makes me powerful, brave, and energetic. Just the right song is enough for me to do those extra 5 minutes of cardio or prepare myself for an important interview. But also, I want to admit that I may sometimes look stupid when I am listening to music that energizes me and makes me brave because in that moment, I feel like I am conquering the world when in fact, I am just running on a treadmill in a gym full of people doing the exact same thing. But you get the helps.
Finally, I would like to talk about the biggest powers of the music: time travel and teleportation. With the help of the right melodies you may revisit your past, travel to your future, create your imaginary world, or dive deep into your own mind; you can also take a journey to every continent just in one hour and all this is possible to do from your own room with your earphones and your phone. Sometimes it is crucial to escape the real world and music is the most helpful company you can have while doing so.